* jquery.instagramFeed
* @version 3.0.2
* https://github.com/jsanahuja/jquery.instagramFeed
(function ($) {
var defaults = {
'host': "https://www.instagram.com/",
'username': '',
'tag': '',
'user_id': '',
'location': '',
'container': '',
'display_profile': true,
'display_biography': true,
'display_gallery': true,
'display_captions': false,
'display_igtv': false,
'max_tries': 8,
'callback': null,
'styling': true,
'items': 8,
'items_per_row': 4,
'margin': 0.5,
'image_size': 640,
'lazy_load': false,
'cache_time': 360,
'on_error': console.error
var image_sizes = {
"150": 0,
"240": 1,
"320": 2,
"480": 3,
"640": 4
var escape_map = {
'&': '&',
'<': '<',
'>': '>',
'"': '"',
"'": ''',
'/': '/',
'`': '`',
'=': '='
function escape_string(str) {
return str.replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g, function (char) {
return escape_map[char];
function parse_caption(igobj, data){
if (
typeof igobj.node.edge_media_to_caption.edges[0] !== "undefined" &&
typeof igobj.node.edge_media_to_caption.edges[0].node !== "undefined" &&
typeof igobj.node.edge_media_to_caption.edges[0].node.text !== "undefined" &&
igobj.node.edge_media_to_caption.edges[0].node.text !== null
) {
return igobj.node.edge_media_to_caption.edges[0].node.text;
if (
typeof igobj.node.title !== "undefined" &&
igobj.node.title !== null &&
igobj.node.title.length != 0
) {
return igobj.node.title;
if (
typeof igobj.node.accessibility_caption !== "undefined" &&
igobj.node.accessibility_caption !== null &&
igobj.node.accessibility_caption.length != 0
) {
return igobj.node.accessibility_caption;
return false;
* Cache management
function get_cache(options, last_resort){
var read_cache = last_resort || false;
if (!last_resort && options.cache_time > 0) {
var cached_time = localStorage.getItem(options.cache_time_key);
if(cached_time !== null && parseInt(cached_time) + 1000 * 60 * options.cache_time > new Date().getTime()){
read_cache = true;
var data = localStorage.getItem(options.cache_data_key);
if(data !== null){
return JSON.parse(data);
return false;
function set_cache(options, data){
var cached_time = localStorage.getItem(options.cache_time_key),
cache = options.cache_time != 0 && (cached_time === null || parseInt(cached_time) + 1000 * 60 * options.cache_time > new Date().getTime());
localStorage.setItem(options.cache_data_key, JSON.stringify(data));
localStorage.setItem(options.cache_time_key, new Date().getTime());
* Request / Response
function parse_response(type, data){
case "username":
case "tag":
case "location":
try {
data = data.split("window._sharedData = ")[1].split("<\/script>")[0];
} catch (e) {
return false;
data = JSON.parse(data.substr(0, data.length - 1));
data = data.entry_data.ProfilePage || data.entry_data.TagPage || data.entry_data.LocationsPage;
if(typeof data !== "undefined"){
return data[0].graphql.user || data[0].graphql.hashtag || data[0].graphql.location;
return false;
case "userid":
if(typeof data.data.user !== "undefined"){
return data.data.user;
return false;
function request_data(url, type, tries, callback, autoFallback, googlePrefix){
var prefixedUrl;
if(autoFallback && googlePrefix){
prefixedUrl = 'https://images' + ~~(Math.random() * 3333) + '-focus-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?container=none&url=' + url;
$.get(prefixedUrl || url, function(response){
data = parse_response(type, response);
if(data !== false){
// Unexpected response, not retrying
}).fail(function (e) {
if(tries > 1){
console.warn("Instagram Feed: Request failed, " + (tries-1) + " tries left. Retrying...");
request_data(url, type, tries-1, callback, autoFallback, !googlePrefix);
callback(false, e);
* Retrieve data
function get_data(options, callback){
var data = get_cache(options, false);
if(data !== false){
// Retrieving data from cache
// No cache, let's do the request
var url;
case "username":
url = options.host + options.id + '/';
case "tag":
url = options.host + 'explore/tags/' + options.id + '/'
case "location":
url = options.host + 'explore/locations/' + options.id + '/'
case "userid":
url = options.host + 'graphql/query/?query_id=17888483320059182&variables={"id":"' + options.id + '","first":' + options.items + ',"after":null}';
request_data(url, options.type, options.max_tries, function(data, exception){
if(data !== false){
set_cache(options, data);
}else if(typeof exception === "undefined"){
options.on_error("Instagram Feed: It looks like the profile you are trying to fetch is age restricted. See https://github.com/jsanahuja/InstagramFeed/issues/26", 3);
// Trying cache as last resort before throwing
data = get_cache(options, true);
if(data !== false){
options.on_error("Instagram Feed: Unable to fetch the given user/tag. Instagram responded with the status code: " + exception.status, 5);
}, options.host === defaults.host && options.type != "userid", false);
* Rendering
function render(options, data){
var html = "", styles;
* Styles
var width = (100 - options.margin * 2 * options.items_per_row) / options.items_per_row;
styles = {
profile_container: ' style="text-align:center;"',
profile_image: ' style="border-radius:10em;width:15%;max-width:125px;min-width:50px;"',
profile_name: ' style="font-size:1.2em;"',
profile_biography: ' style="font-size:1em;"',
gallery_image: ' style="width:100%;"',
gallery_image_link: ' style="width:' + width + '%; margin:' + options.margin + '%;position:relative; display: inline-block; height: 100%;"'
html += "<style>\
a[data-caption]:hover::after {\
content: attr(data-caption);\
text-align: center;\
font-size: 0.8rem;\
color: black;\
position: absolute;\
left: 0;\
right: 0;\
bottom: 0;\
padding: 1%;\
max-height: 100%;\
overflow-y: auto;\
overflow-x: hidden;\
background-color: hsla(0, 100%, 100%, 0.8);\
styles = {
profile_container: "",
profile_image: "",
profile_name: "",
profile_biography: "",
gallery_image: "",
gallery_image_link: ""
* Profile & Biography
if(options.display_profile && options.type !== "userid"){
html += '<div class="instagram_profile"' + styles.profile_container + '>';
html += '<img class="instagram_profile_image" src="' + data.profile_pic_url + '" alt="'+ (options.type == "tag" ? data.name + ' tag pic' : data.username + ' profile pic') + '"' + styles.profile_image + (options.lazy_load ? ' loading="lazy"' : '') + ' />';
if(options.type == "tag"){
html += '<p class="instagram_tag"' + styles.profile_name + '><a href="https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/' + options.tag + '/" rel="noopener" target="_blank">#' + options.tag + '</a></p>';
}else if(options.type == "username"){
html += "<p class='instagram_username'" + styles.profile_name + ">@" + data.full_name + " (<a href='https://www.instagram.com/" + options.username + "/' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>@" + options.username + "</a>)</p>";
html += "<p class='instagram_biography'" + styles.profile_biography + ">" + data.biography + "</p>";
}else if(options.type == "location"){
html += "<p class='instagram_location'" + styles.profile_name + "><a href='https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/" + options.location + "/' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>" + data.name + "</a></p>";
html += "</div>";
* Gallery
if (typeof data.is_private !== "undefined" && data.is_private === true) {
html += '<p class="instagram_private"><strong>This profile is private</strong></p>';
} else {
var image_index = typeof image_sizes[options.image_size] !== "undefined" ? image_sizes[options.image_size] : image_sizes[640],
imgs = (data.edge_owner_to_timeline_media || data.edge_hashtag_to_media || data.edge_location_to_media).edges,
max = (imgs.length > options.items) ? options.items : imgs.length;
html += "<div class='instagram_gallery'>";
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
var url = "https://www.instagram.com/p/" + imgs[i].node.shortcode,
image, type_resource,
caption = parse_caption(imgs[i], data);
if(caption === false){
caption = (options.type == "userid" ? '' : options.id) + " image";
caption = escape_string(caption);
switch (imgs[i].node.__typename) {
case "GraphSidecar":
type_resource = "sidecar"
image = imgs[i].node.thumbnail_resources[image_index].src;
case "GraphVideo":
type_resource = "video";
image = imgs[i].node.thumbnail_src
type_resource = "image";
image = imgs[i].node.thumbnail_resources[image_index].src;
html += '<a href="' + url + '"' + (options.display_captions ? ' data-caption="' + caption + '"' : '') + ' class="instagram-' + type_resource + '" rel="noopener" target="_blank"' + styles.gallery_image_link + '>';
html += '<img' + (options.lazy_load ? ' loading="lazy"' : '') + ' src="' + image + '" alt="' + caption + '"' + styles.gallery_image + ' />';
html += '</a>';
html += '</div>';
if (options.display_igtv && typeof data.edge_felix_video_timeline !== "undefined") {
var igtv = data.edge_felix_video_timeline.edges,
max = (igtv.length > options.items) ? options.items : igtv.length;
if (igtv.length > 0) {
html += '<div class="instagram_igtv">';
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
var url = 'https://www.instagram.com/p/' + igtv[i].node.shortcode,
caption = parse_caption(igtv[i], data);
if(caption === false){
caption = (options.type == "userid" ? '' : options.id) + " image";
caption = escape_string(caption);
html += '<a href="' + url + '"' + (options.display_captions ? ' data-caption="' + caption + '"' : '') + ' rel="noopener" target="_blank"' + styles.gallery_image_link + '>';
html += '<img' + (options.lazy_load ? ' loading="lazy"' : '') + ' src="' + igtv[i].node.thumbnail_src + '" alt="' + caption + '"' + styles.gallery_image + ' />';
html += '</a>';
html += '</div>';
$.instagramFeed = function (opts) {
var options = $.fn.extend({}, defaults, opts);
if (options.username == "" && options.tag == "" && options.user_id == "" && options.location == "") {
options.on_error("Instagram Feed: Error, no username, tag or user_id defined.", 1);
return false;
if(typeof opts.display_profile !== "undefined" && opts.display_profile && options.user_id != ""){
console.warn("Instagram Feed: 'display_profile' is not available using 'user_id' (GraphQL API)");
if(typeof opts.display_biography !== "undefined" && opts.display_biography && (options.tag != "" || options.location != "" || options.user_id != "")){
console.warn("Instagram Feed: 'display_biography' is not available unless you are loading an user ('username' parameter)");
if (typeof options.get_data !== "undefined") {
console.warn("Instagram Feed: options.get_data is deprecated, options.callback is always called if defined");
if (options.callback == null && options.container == "") {
options.on_error("Instagram Feed: Error, neither container found nor callback defined.", 2);
return false;
if(options.username != ""){
options.type = "username";
options.id = options.username;
}else if(options.tag != ""){
options.type = "tag";
options.id = options.tag;
}else if(options.location != ""){
options.type = "location";
options.id = options.location;
options.type = "userid";
options.id = options.user_id;
options.cache_data_key = 'instagramFeed_' + options.type + '_' + options.id;
options.cache_time_key = options.cache_data_key + '_time';
get_data(options, function(data){
if(options.container != ""){
render(options, data);
if(options.callback != null){
return true;
$.instagramFeed ({
'username': 'FLAVINHAALONSO',
'container': "#instagram .galeria",
'display_profile': false,
'display_biography': false,
'display_igtv': false,
'items': 6,
'items_per_row': 6,